Prophecy Fest announce three more bands for the Cave.

Prophecy Fest welcome three more bands to perform in the Cave of Balve in 2024: Finland’s psychedelic folk rockers Hexvessel have turned towards black metal lately, but they remain as one of the most requested bands by our visitors – and we are more than happy to oblige these wishes. The longships are coming! Iceland’s

Prophecy Fest announce three new bands for 2024 edition.

Prophecy Fest welcome three outstanding acts to the 2024 billing: Paradise Lost, Fen, and Arð! It is somewhat of a coincidence that all newly announced bands hail from England, but on the other hand it is not, as insular doom pioneers Paradise Lost have wielded a mighty influence not only on the British scene but

Fen release video of ‘Scouring Ignorance’ and unveil details of new album.

Fen are now unleashing the fierce video clip ‘Scouring Ignorance’, the first single-track taken from the East Anglian’s forthcoming album “Monuments to Absence”, which is scheduled for release on July 7, 2023. Watch ‘Scouring Ignorance’ at Fen comment: “We originally wanted to pen a piece from a perspective of strength and self-actualization, addressing the

Prophecy Fest, Balver Höhle, Balve, Duitsland (dag 2).

Prophecy Fest – 14/09/2019 – Balver Höhle, Balve, Duitsland. Na de aangename kennismaking op dag één waren de verwachtingen voor dag twee nog hoger gespannen dan voorheen. Daarom dat MUSIKA al vrij vroeg richting Balve vertrok om toch maar geen seconde te moeten missen. Ons ideetje om de dag in te zetten met een aperitiefje