Prophecy Fest announce three more bands for the Cave.

Prophecy Fest welcome three more bands to perform in the Cave of Balve in 2024: Finland’s psychedelic folk rockers Hexvessel have turned towards black metal lately, but they remain as one of the most requested bands by our visitors – and we are more than happy to oblige these wishes. The longships are coming! Iceland’s

Prophecy Fest announce three new bands for 2024 edition.

Prophecy Fest welcome three outstanding acts to the 2024 billing: Paradise Lost, Fen, and Arð! It is somewhat of a coincidence that all newly announced bands hail from England, but on the other hand it is not, as insular doom pioneers Paradise Lost have wielded a mighty influence not only on the British scene but

Prophecy Fest announce 2024 dates and sale of advance tickets in the Cave of Balve.

Prophecy Fest have announced the dates for the 2024 edition in the Cave of Balve: September 5 to 7, 2024. Official pre-sale will start on Sunday, September 10 at 12:00 noon CEST. The 2024 ticket price has been set to 139 €. First bands announced are: Empyrium will perform the live world premiere of “Where

Prophecy Fest is er dit jaar op 7, 8 en 9 september.

Prophecy Fest, het Duitse metal festival georganiseerd door het befaamde label Prophecy Productions, is er dit jaar op 7, 8 en 9 september. Helaas voor elkeen die nog geen ticket bemachtigde is het festival reeds enkele weken compleet uitverkocht. Wij, van MUSIKA, vertoeven er heel graag. Het festival gaat nu al ettelijke jaar door in

Prophecy Fest 2023 is sold out!

Thank you all so much, because Prophecy Fest 2023 is now officially sold out! We are proud to announce such a great milestone in the history of the festival as tickets have never gone that fast before. As we are fully aware that times are still hard for many festivals and tours, we are even

Prophecy Fest announce four more bands for 2023 edition of the festival

Prophecy Fest are proud to announce four more exciting bands for this year’s edition of the festival in the natural Cave of Balve: Legendary British blues and rock singer Arthur Brown will return to Balve by popular demand. Denmark’s doom stalwarts Saturnus will present their hot new album “The Storm Within”, which is already creating

Prophecy Fest, 30 september 2022, dag 2.

Prophecy Fest, Balver Höhle, Balve, Duitsland. Daar waar dag één eerder in het teken stond van dark folk, was het programma op dag twee van Prophecy Fest wat gevarieerder. Maar evengoed als op donderdag stond er ons een aantal verrassingen te wachten. De eerste verrassing die de debatten mocht openen, heette Imha Tarikat. Vreemde naam

Arthur Brown: Long Long Road

Eerlijk is eerlijk: van de Britse artiest Arthur Brown weten we eigenlijk niet zo veel af. De naam Arthur Brown klinkt ons immers zo goed als alleen bekend in de oren door het nummer ‘Fire’ uit 1968 dat hij scoorde met “The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown”. Zijn eigenzinnige mix van psychedelica, experimental rock, progressive

Prophecy Fest announce complete 2022 billing.

Alea iacta est! With the announcement of a return of the collaboration between Mosaic and Zwischenlichten to bring their acoustic performance of the mystic “Nordwald Musik” again to the stage of Prophetic Overture on Thursday, September 29, the billing of Prophecy Fest 2022 is finally complete. In addition to the musical programme, German vlogger Ernie