Gràb: Kremess

Het acht tracks tellende ‘Kremess’ is het tweede full-album voor het Duitse black metal ensemble Gràb. Gràb, opgestart in 2015, is eigenlijk slechts een tweetal: Grànt (vocals) en Gnást (gitaar, bass). Beiden zijn, of waren, ook nog actief bij andere bands. Met ‘Kremess’ gaan ze verder op hun ingeslagen weg: heel intense en beklijvende, maar

Nytt Land unveil first video single ‘Hailabmi Xulembi (The Ritual of Exorcising an Evil Dead Spirit)’.

Nytt Land reveal the ritualistic video clip ‘Hailabmi Xulembi (The Ritual of Exorcising an Evil Dead Spirit)’ as the first single taken from their forthcoming new album “Songs of the Shaman”. The ninth full-length, including self-released titles, of the Siberian ritual folk band from Kalachinsk has been chalked up for release on May 16, 2025.

In The Woods… unveil first video single ‘A Misrepresentation of I’ and details of forthcoming new album “Otra”.

In The Woods… premiere the video clip ‘A Misrepresentation of I’ as the first single taken from their forthcoming new album “Otra”. The seventh full-length of the Norwegian avant-garde metal band from the city of Kristiansand has been scheduled for release on April 11, 2025. Pre-sale at: In The Woods… ‘A Misrepresentation of I’

Year Of The Cobra reveal first video single ‘War Drop’ and details of self-titled new album.

Year Of The Cobra premiere the video ‘War Drop’ as the first single taken from their forthcoming new full-length. “Year of the Cobra”, the third album of Seattle’s doom sludge duo has been slated for release on February 28, 2025. Year Of The Cobra ‘War Drop’ taken from the album “Year of the Cobra”:

Unreqvited reveal new lyric video ‘The Antimatter’ taken from the forthcoming new album.

Unreqvited drop the new lyric video ‘The Antimatter’ as the second single taken from the forthcoming new album “A Pathway to the Moon”. The seventh full-length of the Canadian blackgaze solo-project has been rescheduled to a new release date on February 7, 2025. Unreqvited ‘The Antimatter’ taken from the album “A Pathway to the Moon”:

Gràb unveil lyric video single ‘Kerkermoasta’ and details of forthcoming new album “Kremess”.

Gràb unveil the lyric video ‘Kerkermoasta’ (English ‘dungeon keeper’) as the first single taken from their forthcoming new album “Kremess” (English: ‘funeral feast’, German “Leichenschmaus”). The sophomore full-length of the Bavarian black metal duo has been scheduled for release on February 21, 2025. Gràb ‘Kerkermoasta’ Taken from the album “Kremess”: Gràb comment: “Our first

Amber Asylum release details & title track of forthcoming new album “Ruby Red”.

Amber Asylum reveal the title track taken from their forthcoming new album “Ruby Red”. The tenth regular full-length of San Francisco’s neoclassical dark ambient quartet has been slated for release on February 14, 2025. Amber Asylum ‘Ruby Red’ taken from the album “Ruby Red”: Amber Asylum comment: “The title track of our new album,