Damnation’s Hammer: Unseen Planets, Deadly Spheres

Het Britse Damnation’s Hammer werd in 2007 opgestart en zorgde eerder voor een demo, ‘Serpent’s Wrath’ (2009), een een full-album: ‘Disciples Of The Hex’ (2012). In 2014 zien we dat de complete line-up, met uitzondering van gitarist en vocalist Tim Preston wordt vervangen. Gitarist Ady Farnell, bassist Jamie Fowler en drummer Gary Bevan komen dan

New signings with Massacre Records.

Velvet Viper signs with Massacre Records Massacre Records is happy to announce that the epic metal powerhouse Velvet Viper has signed with Massacre Records! The band around Jutta Weinhold – who formed Zed Yago in 1985 – was originally formed in 1990 and reformed in 2016/2017. Velvet Viper are currently working on new material and

Damnation’s Hammer issue lyric video, reveal album details.

Damnation’s Hammer have issued a lyric video for the opener of their upcoming album “Unseen Planets, Deadly Spheres” – which will be released on February 22, 2019 via Massacre Records! Watch the “Temple Of The Descending Gods” lyric video on https://youtu.be/E7aEjT7yt-M The album’s front cover – based on the digital image “Warping”, a collaborative work