Five The Hierophant: Through Aureate Void

Five The Hierophant is een Londens trio dat sinds 2014 de wereld verblijdt met muziek die op zijn zachtst uitgedrukt niet onder één noemer gecatalogeerd kan worden. Zo goed als instrumentaal – op enige sporadische spoken-word-achtige passages niet te na gesproken na – verkennen ze quasi het volledige spectrum van muziekgenres op één album. Het

Behemoth signs new contract with Nuclear Blast Records!

Highly anticipated new studio album from Polish extreme metal powerhouse due this fall! Behemoth – arguably the biggest extreme metal band in the world – have extended and expanded their contract with Nuclear Blast, who will now distribute the group’s music worldwide outside of their home country. The group originally signed with Nuclear Blast Europe

US Black Metal band Snær set release date for their debut full-length album.

US Black Metal band Snær set March 12th, 2021 as international release date for their debut full-length album “Frozen Alchemy”. “Frozen Alchemy” is a blend of old school Black, Death, Thrash and Doom with a modern spin. From the cold north of Maine USA they will freeze your soul with their metal Magick! Some facts